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Our Services

Our practice specializes in treating individuals, couples and families and we realize that no two people are the same. As such, we tailor our therapy to meet the specific needs of our clients. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or any other issue, we will help you recognize underlying problems, fully realize your strengths and adjust certain behaviors and thoughts to see things a different, healthier way.

Types of Therapy:

There are many types of therapy available.  Many of which can be confusing.  At Hats of Wisdom, we try to keep things simple and to the point.  If there is ever anything that does not make sense do not hesitate to ask questions because we want you to know what your therapy is all about.  So here are the types of therapy that you will find if you choose Hats of Wisdom.

 TeleTherapy –  If you are unable to come in person for counseling, Josie now accepts clients via teletherapy.  If interested just let the front desk know and we can get you the information to make that happen.

 Play Therapy – Using different types of toys, sand, items, coloring, and paper to allow the child/adolescent to be more relaxed and willing to share. This type of therapy has been shown to work great with kids, adolescents, and even some adults.

Bibliotherapy – Using books to offer the client different ways to find a new solution.

Pscyho-education – Information passed on from counselor to client that can help them make changes using the following: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (change your thoughts change your behavior), and Solution Focused Brief Therapy.

Brainspotting – Gives clients an opportunity to deal directly with traumatic events through the somatic memories of their amygdala and hippocampus (parts of the brain the control feelings attached to the trauma).  For more information on Brainspotting please check out

Types of Counseling:

What is the difference between counseling and therapy?

Well, therapy is what a counselor uses in a session and types of counseling have to do with who is in the session.  Here are the types of counseling we offer at Hats of Wisdom:

Individual – One on One, client and therapist

Couples – Partners, Husband and Wife, and Engaged couples

Family – Moms, Dads, Kids, Adolescents, Stepfamilies, etc

Group – This depends on the topic.  Currently, we are offering a women’s issues group, men’s issues group, mindfulness X group, and Alcohol Drug Information School for those who need a certificate to get their driver’s license back.

Other Services we provide:

Reach out to us today!

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We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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